CBGL Collaborative Blog
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Global Engagement Survey: 2020 pre-COVID & moving into the 2020-2021 year
When COVID-19 emerged, we were all forced to pivot and adapt in unforeseen ways. Our 2020 GES data collection was already underway and was set to run through September 15, 2020. Despite significant changes to programming (well, and everything else), a number of programs had already completed both the pre- and post-surveys related to their program experiences.
10 Tips for Meaningful Reflection on Alternative Breaks
Highlighted here are ten tips to make this crucial piece of an alternative break most effective.
Fair Trade Learning: An Emerging Framework
Fair Trade Learning is global educational partnership exchange that prioritizes reciprocity in relationships through cooperative, cross-cultural participation in learning, service, and civil society efforts. It foregrounds the goals of economic equity, equal partnership, mutual learning, cooperative and positive social change, transparency, and sustainability. Fair Trade Learning explicitly engages the global civil society role of educational exchange in fostering a more just, equitable, and sustainable world.