Interdependence: Global Solidarity and Local Actions Toolkit
The Toolkit in Action
The Toolkit, winners of the 2023 GoAbroad Innovation Award for Innovative Technology, is a collective on-line learning and sharing initiative to bring together educators and learners who all share a commitment to building more just, inclusive, and sustainable communities. This initiative naturally calls for open-source knowledge sharing and many who have used or are still using the toolkit have given The Community-Based Global Learning Collaborative permission to share syllabi, presentations, workshop outlines and publications.
Here are some ways and resources in which people have been using Toolkit content which we hope will inspire you to think about how to integrate it into your teaching and learning. You can also read the Facilitator’s Guide, which will guide you in your use of the Toolkit pages.
Cornell University - Preparing for Ethical Engagement
Link to Syllabus: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1zvY7ep-wyByTBv681pMHiQWDYqINh21f
Toolkit Pages Referenced: Self-Understanding, Interdependence, Fair Trade Learning
Dickinson College – One Earth, Multiple Worlds
Link to Syllabus: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1zvY7ep-wyByTBv681pMHiQWDYqINh21f
Toolkit Pages Referenced: Self-Understanding, Defining and Applying Sustainability, Interdependence, Social Change and Activism in Europe
Haverford College - Global Solidarity and Local Actions: Interdependence, Social Change, and Haverford
Link to Syllabus:
Toolkit Pages Referenced; Helper, Advocate, Organizer or Rebel?, Cultural Humility, With and From: Participatory Methods, Interdependence, Structural Violence, Global Citizenship, Fair Trade Learning
College Unbound - Special Topics in Global Citizenship: Global Solidarity and Local Actions: Interdependence and Social Change
Link to Syllabus:
Toolkit Pages Referenced: Cultural Humility, Global Citizenship, Sustainable Development Goals, With and From: Participatory Methods,
Quinnipiac University - School of Engineering Integrative Capstone
Link to Syllabus:
Rollins College - Global Citizenship: No Passport Required
Link to Syllabus:
Webinar: Global, Civic Teaching and Learning in the Time of Covid-19: Open Access, Virtual Collaborations and New Global Learning Pathways (August 2020) https://compact.org/global-civic-teaching-and-learning-in-the-time-of-covid-19-open-access-virtual-collaborations-and-new-global-learning-pathways-webinar-recording-slides-and-resources/
Brandauer, S., Carnine, J., DeGuzman, K. ., Grazioli, B., Lyons, L., Sandiford, N. & Hartman, E. (2022). Crisis as Opportunity: Reimagining Global Learning Pathways through New Virtual Collaborations and Open Access during COVID-19. Frontiers: The Interdisciplinary Journal of Study Abroad, 34(1), 9–23. https://frontiersjournal.org/index.php/Frontiers/article/view/535/479
Brandauer, S., Sabato, E., Reynolds, N., Hartman, E. (2022). A Civics of Interdependence: Advancing Global Solidarity Through Communities of Inquiry and Action. In: Stanlick, S., Szmodis, W. (eds) Perspectives on Lifelong Learning and Global Citizenship. Sustainable Development Goals Series. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-00974-7_10